Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bluford High: Payback RC Quiz

Click on the link below to go to the quiz.  If you click on it, you must take it.  You may only click on it twice.

Thank you to Juan Lemus for writing the quiz.  If you see a mistake, or you want to argue about one of the questions or answer choices, please see Mr. Kringel.

Friday, October 5, 2012

AVID University Project

  • Click on the link below to open the PowerPoint template.
  • Remember:  You can add more than what is called for!
  • Remember:  You must get my permission to work on design!  Content first!
  • The two best places to look on the internet for information about your university:
    • The university's official website (do a Google search)
    • Wikipedia

Monday, September 24, 2012

AVID Quiz on Structure of Persuasive Essay

It is vital that you know how to structure, or organize, your essays.  If you memorize the structure, all you have to do is fill in the various parts.  The way I like to orgainize my essay is with an outline like this:

I.  Introduction
   A.  Hook
   B.  Background Information
      1.  Who is your audience?  What do they know?  Assume they know nothing about the topic.
      2.  Do not leave out any vital information.
      3.  Do not put any arguments in this first paragraph!  Save them for the body paragraphs.
      4.  This should be three sentences at the very least.
  C.  Thesis Statement
      1.  State your position on the question.  Are you for or against?
      2.  Don't say why you are for or against!

II.  Body (Middle Three Paragraphs)
   A.  Start with one of your arguments.
   B.  Support it with examples, facts, quotes, questions, anecdotes, etc.
   C.  End this paragraph by repeating your argument in a new way.

III.  Conclusion
   A.  Restate your thesis.
   B.  Restate all of your arguments and rebuttals.
   C.  Close with one to three powerful statements.

Take the quiz by clicking on the following link:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wiki for AVID Newspaper

AVID students:  We are going to paste all of our articles into a "wiki", which is a space on the web that anyone who has access can edit.  After you click on the link below, you will have to join our wiki by clicking "join" at the upper right.  You can then create a password and give your email.  Write your password in your agenda book so you don't forget it!  Get started by right-clicking on the link below and choosing "Open in a new tab".

Monday, April 16, 2012

Research Questionnaire and Survey

Please take the survey below and answer the questions completely.  This is very important for my research.  Please think about your answers and give me good ideas and suggestions!  Tell me anything you want, and be honest!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

AVID Experts Project: PowerPoint, Prezi and Xtranormal

Once you have answered many of the questions from the comment box, it's time to put all your research and information into a presentation that you will give to the class.  You could go with the old stand-by, PowerPoint.  You all probably know how to use it well, so this is probably the easiest option.

However, there are two other presentation options you should know about, and they are more fun because they are new and different. The first is called Prezi, and it is easy to use and fun to watch and very dynamic.  Here is a sample of a Prezi presentation.  Go to any of the presentations at this site and wait for it to download, and then simply hit the forward button to advance frames: 

The second option is, which is also quite easy to use.  This is a cartoon software that teaches through dialog.  Two characters that you create will talk to each other.  Here is an example:  .  Of course, if you use this great software, you would have one of the characters asking questions and the other answering them about your field of study.

Now, there is a fourth option for those of you who are ambitious.  You could combine two or even all three options.

Remember:  Your goal is to present all the information you gathered so your classmates can learn about it.  It doesn't matter how you do it as much as the information itself.

Friday, March 23, 2012

AVID Experts Project: Questions in the Comment Box

Students:  Are you curious about the field you chose to become an expert on?  Hopefully you have a lot of questions about your field.  After reading all the questions in the comments, write one of your own - one that you are very curious about - in the comment box below.

Next, in the same MS Word document where you answered the first questions, find and write answers to the comment box questions that are important to your research.  Look on Google or Wikipedia if need be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

AVID Experts Project: Answer These Basic Questions

Copy these questions onto a MS Word document and answer them in complete sentences.
  1. Give a general description of your field of study.
  2. Explain in a few sentences why you are curious about this career.
  3. List any facts, using bullets, that you already know about this field of study.
  4. Explain what people who are experts in this field do as a career.
  5. What are the salaries of an expert in this field? 
  6. Do a Google search of the history of your field.  Write a paragraph of the history in your own words.
  7. Do more searching online about your field of study.  List three interesting facts that you didn't know about this field of study.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reflection on Eighth-Graderitis and NY Times Article on College

Get out the article.  Copy and paste the bullets below into a MSWord document and then answer them.
  • Where did you keep your article?  Do you still have it?  Is it wrinkled?  Where do you keep all articles and sheets passed out by teachers?
  • What does your answer to the questions above say about your organizational skills?  Why is keeping an organized binder important for success in college?
  • Write five words from the article that you circled and their definitions.  
  • Did you get the definitions from notes?  What does this say about your note-taking habits?
  • On a scale of one to ten, one being low, how badly have you caught the disease commonly know as eighth-graderitis?  What can you do to improve?
  • Write a statistic from the article and comment on the implications for your life.  "Implications" means the way it affects your life.  Use these words but fill in the parentheses.  In (article's name), by (author's name) of the New York Times, (last name) writes, (put sentence or sentences in quotes here).  This statistic has an implication for my life.  (Explain implication here.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

AVID Experts

You should not wait for school to tell you what to learn.  You should be a life-long learner, whether you are in school or not.  College is for the curious.  But pre-college schools don't let students pursue their curiosity, usually.  Now, you get the chance to pursue an area of study that you are curious about.  You will go as far as you can in becoming an expert in a field that you, not the school, choose.

What does it mean to be an expert?  Experts know almost everything there is to know about a field of study.Your first task is to choose what area you are interested in.  Click on the link below to view hundreds of fields of study.  To learn more about the ones that interest you, do a wiki search on them.  Good luck and have fun.  You must pick by Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012